Dear Sponsor,
There is a song by Natalie Grant called "Our Hope is Unchanged" whose lyrics start out: "You would think only so much can go wrong, Calamity only strikes once, And you assume that this one has suffered her share, Life will be kinder from here, Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years, Sometimes the sky rains night after night, When will it clear? But our hope endures the worst of conditions, It's more than our optimism, Let the earth quake, Our hope is unchanged."
And in light of the continued shakes in Haiti's country side, the recent earthquake in Chile, and last week's 60" flood in Les Cayes, there are very few combinations of words that I can think of that capture this season. Be near, Lord.
I have received many emails from Pastor Jean at Bighouse assuring us that the kdis and the orphanage were not harmed or damaged during the recent flooding; however, Pastor Jean and his family lost their house, but thankfully have been provided a new one. Keep them in your prayers.
A meeting is taking place in Haiti this next week among those in Les Cayes and Joe Knittig from The Global Orphan Project to discuss in further detail the expansion of Bighouse in the very near future. Since your last monthly update, we have gotten 36 new sommitments for sponsorship of the newly orphanaed that will be joining our Bighouse Family. Thank you, thank you for your quick and gracious partnership. We have "enough" to expand for the 100+ that was mentioned in February, however we and the GOP team are confident that for every sponsor we have, there will be an orphan, and for every oephan we have, there will be a sponsor. All to say, if someone else you know is interested in sponsoring, we definitely are interested in their partnership!
American Airlines started flying commercially again on February 19th which means team planning on our end has begun, and we couldn't be more excited about the idea of getting our feet back on Haitian soil. Hu Debo will be leadin the medical team down the Les Cayes during the week of April 9th to offer a mobile medical clinic to the Bighouse Community as well as other surrounding communities. I will be joining a team through The Global Orphan Project for a few days on April 15th to go and work in their Transition Village in Port au Prince where many of their blogs are written from (www.theglobalorphanproject.org). We have been anxious to go back since we left and are blessed to be able to do so, thankful for your prayers and grateful to be able to return with more stories as to connect you in a deeper way to our family in Haiti.
The Global Orphan Project is moving toward the building of ten additional orphanages in the Port au Prince area and thankfully have churches in the states that have already committed to being Village Sponsors (like we are for Bighouse). They ask us to pray for the upcoming rainy season, as many people are now living on the streets, and disease will be the next threat. They have told us many stories of hardship and restoration, repulsive suffering and indescribable healing. Above all, we are loved and God is good and He is always, always in the business of redeeming the broken in the world, from our hearts to the Earth's geographic plates.
I am confident that we will all continue to be amazed if we stick around.
Bless you,
Britney Winn
Haiti Liaison
FUMC Shreveport
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